

PR and the little charms...

PR and the little charms...

The phone rang, and there was no way for me to know that this call would be strange. But it was exactly that. "I saw your website online, and I understand that you work in PR - Good, good..." The person complimented us; it was heartwarming. But then he continued to tell me he's an artist, performs in shows, sings, dances, and basically can do everything… at a world-class level; the only thing he doesn't have is a PR to tell the world that he's the best. However… he doesn't have a YouTube channel, he's not into social media and he has nothing to tell the world... So… as a PR company, we could serve him on a silver platter as many new engagements as we want, and if we want we can take a little cut from his earnings, but just a tiny bit... not that much.

I felt ashamed... I explained to him that if we promote something, it can only be a product, a very good product, which society and the clients can take and appreciate. "The artist" paused, hesitated, and before hanging up, he said: "Oh, come on, everything can be accomplished with PR - just look at the politicians, they can't do anything and yet they get elected..." Well, I thought to myself, what a poor example this person has taken, wanting to become famous with little charms, yet seeing the big ones, even the biggest.