

Maxim Behar: Еvery investment in solar equipment in Bulgaria generates very quick return.

Maxim Behar: Еvery investment in solar equipment in Bulgaria generates very quick return.



Recently, the European Parliament adopted an update to the Directive on the energy performance of buildings, according to which new buildings entering into operation after 2030 should be carbon-neutral. What are your observations related to the green transition in Bulgaria? And how do businesses and citizens perceive it?

There are quite contradictory observations in a very contradictory reality. Our country is currently in such a mess that I'm starting to think that the so-called energy transition is the least concern of any following government. Obviously, there is a huge desire among businesses, even among people in neighborhoods, villages, and towns, to use cleaner energy, mainly with the noble goal of saving some money. On the other hand, the state is really strict and tries to delay everything with a million permits, licenses, registrations, and so on. This is a huge contradiction between what citizens want to do for their own good and for the good of the state, and the state itself dragging and keeping some unnecessary territories to itself in a purely bureaucratic way. Just recently, for a single solar panel, you had to secure a new construction permit after already having pulled out at least ten of them to build a house or any other property. Only those who have not obtained such a permit do not know how ridiculous it is including all the bureaucratic hassle involved. Instead, the state, the municipality, or any other institution could come and give away solar panels with a request to install them and not spend electricity, to avoid pollution of the environment, at least, and to have it for free on top of everything...


What are your expectations for the implementation of solar installations in single-family homes? And in multi-family homes?

My expectations are quite logical - any normally thinking person who has the technical capability - a good roof, a large terrace, a wide yard or garden, could make this investment immediately and become - literally and metaphorically - another person. I experienced it myself, and I’ve become a different person. However, my expectations are also for the Bulgarian state to start a massive campaign to encourage citizens and villagers to install solar installations, and that's why there are hundreds of already invented ways - to take part of the investment, to buy their excess electricity at higher prices, to remove their taxes, and so on. I am absolutely sure that this will happen sooner or later, but if it were happening now, immediately, everyone would benefit from it. And one more very important clarification: If the state, the government, the parliament invest several billion in solar installations for households and production, to support households and businesses, then this would not be expenses. It will simply be an investment that will return multiplied at least by a hundred.


What are the purposes you use the solar panels on your property for? Do you entirely or partially supply your home? Why did you choose this model?

I took this step two years ago, and now I am more than proud of my decision. On one hand, I calculated that I could recover the investment within 5 to 7 years. It was clear that everything would become more expensive, and I invested just at the right time. Now, all this equipment costs almost double, and the increase was just within two years. During the summer, I cover 80% of my electricity needs, while during the winter it's between 30 and 40%. This is a huge step forward.


Why did you choose to invest in solar panels for your property?

I didn't even estimate the impact this investment would have on me and my entire family. And it's not about money, bills, or consumption, but about the upbringing and a change in mindset. A total change, in fact. I immediately installed relays on all the outlets, on the lighting fixtures, started measuring every consumption. Within the first week, I replaced all the bulbs in the house with ones that consume at least three times less energy. Suddenly, everything was energy-saving... And it's not a craze, it's just a precise and modern approach to nature, to the household budget, to being a diligent participant in society. The same month, both my spouse and I bought small second-hand electric cars, two-seaters that consume almost no electricity. Now, we simply don't use any other vehicles. We simply... became different people, and I am very happy about that.


What are the advantages or disadvantages of solar panels for personal use?

There are no disadvantages, only advantages to it. And they are only two - financial and mental, with the second being far more important.


What is the experience from abroad, related to residential construction and solar panels that you, as an expert in the field, have encountered?

It's incomparable to what it is in Bulgaria. There is no country in Europe that does not cover part of the costs for solar installations for its citizens, and there is no country that does not pay attention and provide tax relief to its subjects, to stimulate them to invest in solar installations, to save electricity, to advise them on how and when to do it. I know it will happen soon in Bulgaria, but why not now, and immediately. My very modest contribution to this idea is that together with the Solar Academy and Dr. Veselin Todorov, its founder and chairman, we started a series of events called BeRenewable to inform high-ranking government officials and the media of everything we're talking about right now. And I know we will succeed, and our voice will be heard.