

Lack of professionals? Millennials are here…

Lack of professionals? Millennials are here…

Mhm… We are all hearing this daily – there aren’t enough people on the market, young people don’t want to work, a spoiled generation is coming … Stop! How can there not be enough people when there are plenty? Call it whatever you want, but Bulgaria is full of brilliant additions to the millennial generation… who have knowledge, who are capable, and who are enthusiastic. What could be better than that?

However, it seems to me that there aren’t many qualified, educated, and patient managers who can unite these young people into teams and lead them to earn well for their companies and for themselves.  Because being a good performer is not some extraordinary quality, although it’s important, but being a good manager requires knowledge and understanding of many more things. Like the first and foremost rule, related to our youngest generation. And that is, they won't change; it's the managers who have to change.