

And the streets are empty...

And the streets are empty...

For years, even decades now, in Bulgaria and in many other countries around the world, there have always been two types of elections: the first - held at the ballot stations, and the second - when the people go to the streets to express their opinions, often through protests, due to unfulfilled promises. Democracy has always rested on the balance between these two pillars of the modern way of expressing one's position on how people in a country would want to live.

We all remember the turbulent early years of democracy and free market, but we also remember the events in Bulgaria, in Sofia downtown, and in many other cities. Back then, the emotional wave for a better and fairer life took the public opinion of the protesters to the streets and squares, erupting like a volcano.

Today in Bulgaria, it is not so much different. We have a big number of parties and politicians who speak one thing but do quite another, or more precisely - nothing at all. We have hidden inflation, despite the Currency board, we have a drastic increase in prices and a shortage of wages, we have an incredibly bloated state administration, and to top it all off - two dramatic wars almost at our borders. This is what we have. And what we don't have is any prospect of a stable majority in parliament that would make good decisions for the country.

The only difference now is just one. The streets are empty. All that's left are the polling stations... and social media. Let's use them as we should at least.