

Hey, from the street

Hey, from the street

Many years ago, at the dawn of the free market in Bulgari, I was editor of a wonderful daily newspaper that still evokes interest on the few remaining newsstands. Back then no one had any concept of free and (for its years) modern journalism, and almost without exaggeration we would stop young people in the streets and ask them if they were looking for work and wanted to study.

Something similar has been happening in recent years in politics. Except..., you guessed it, how many years later? Once upon a time, Boyko Borissov as prime minister had taken a fancy to a female minister who stayed in her post for a few months, at a petrol station, and seemed to drag her feet from there. Then came the wave of young businesspeople who, with a gleam in their eyes, assured us that in just days they would put our country in order. Well, they weren't from the street, but with their tentative moves, decisions and especially media appearances, they looked just like it.

And now we stand and wait. Back on the street or at some gas station. But I think they're done there...?