The man who knows everything
August, 2023
You get in the taxi and the guy who must watch the signs, the crosswalks and the traffic lights explain to you everything about politics, culture, and life. He does it with a tone of last resort. Even a timid attempt at a different opinion is immediately countered with an avalanche of stupid arguments.
Then you wait in line at the neighborhood store and the one in front of you and behind you bombard you with gloomy predictions about what will happen if Bulgaria adopts the Euro. When they see your bored expression, they somehow quickly change the topic to which TV hosts go to bed together and who they wake up next to. And again, in a tone that doesn't tolerate even a shade of doubt.
But that's the "gentle" part of this story. Because just an hour later, in the car on the radio, politicians and hosts alike are bombarding us with the same tone, the same dark predictions and aggressive accusations against their opponents. And they don't even for a second brook an objection. Because they know everything!
And, in fact, that's exactly what we do from morning to night - we live among people who know everything and about everyone, have opinions as if they are a last resort and are ready to go to battle if only someone expresses doubt about it.
And because they know everything, they change their jobs every three months. When you ask them about something related to their job, they shrug their shoulders and ask their colleagues. Just in case.