One hundred pillars and more then
July, 2023
There is a discussion in our society. Finally! And it is whether we should have a children's hospital or a high pillar with a flag on top. Naturally - incomparable things. Anyone can make a pillar with a flag on Rozhen if they have land and money. It's up to anyone who has those two elements.
Look, with the hospital it is more difficult. For the last thirty years there has been this discussion every month in the media - why not have a giant, modern, great children's hospital in Bulgaria, since we are the first in Europe in the number of (private) hospitals. The drama of whether to have a hundred-meter pillar with the Bulgarian flag on top and whether it is a manifestation of gigantic patriotism or bad taste, was immediately connected again with the children's hospital. It's as if a hundred or two hundred thousand leva will build it - it certainly won't be enough just for the hospital's parking lot.
Far more worrying is that the pillar people, whoever they are, are sending letters asking for money from government organizations, most of them at a hopeless loss, and look, if that money had been spent on the missing hospital in question, that might well have solved the problem already. And there would have been enough left for another hundred pillars... And on top of that!