Maxim Behar was a guest lecturer at the online seminar Leadership During a Pandemic at UE-Varna
December, 2020
The leading PR expert Maxim Behar was a guest lecturer at an online seminar organized by the Student Council at the University of Economics - Varna. He presented his views on Leadership During a Pandemic, focusing on what positives we can achieve as an outcome of the negative situation the whole world is facing.
"It’s essential for us to be very focused, pragmatic and make quick decisions. Leaders now have a much greater responsibility than they had before, not only to their business, but to their team. They need to guide their employees, adapt to changes in communication and have self-confidence based on knowledge, skills and vision of what they want to achieve," said Maxim Behar to the students and faculty of the university.
During the seminar-discussion were discussed the changes in the new world caused by social media, as well as one of the most current trends in modern PR - influencers.