The “Two and two hundred” …
September, 2022
Well, that's clear. After 33 years of painful transition, change and replacement of values, acrobatic political variations, in the end the truth shined - in Bulgaria we really know how to survive with both “two” and “two hundred”. In other words, we can live on a thousand BGN a month, but we can also live on ten thousand, and we definitely prefer the latter, especially if we don't have towork for it.
However, this fairy tale turns out to be quite a strong brake on our development. And on society, and on the market, and on ourselves. Because…if we can live both ways, we just don't care.
However, this is not possible.
Yes, we can manage with “two”, but we do best with “two hundred”, and this should be our only goal. Not in business, not in politics, not to mention family, no one has ever succeeded with just the “two”. Even if they did, they'd be complaining for months afterwards that it was their boss's, or neighbor's, or the government’s, and why not the prime minister’s fault. And what is the exact reason why the prime minister will come across the unfortunate person, so they will not have the “two hundred” ...?!
And just like that, a simple saying can get us nowhere. Even the generations after us.