Neyko Genchev
publisherNeyko Genchev is a publisher, author of specialized publications and books, translator from English, compiler, editor, and consultant on the topic of specialized software. He worked for 12 years as a professional musician. Neyko Genchev is a composer and poet, and he is also engaged with graphic design and books’ technical layout. He has created the layout and the covers of more than 5000 titles. Neyko Genchev is the owner and manager of Faber Publishing House, which has over 3,300 published books, as well as more than 10,000 prepared and printed editions for both local and international clients. Neyko Genchev is a university lecturer, co-founder and President of the Institute for Applied Museology, and Vice-president of the Association of Bulgarian Academic Publishers. He is a public figure, initiator, supporter, and participant in numerous projects related to Bulgarian culture and historical heritage – festivals, exhibitions, national meetings, and conferences.