6th CEO-Only Lunch: The Power of Women’s Leadership
February, 2025Exclusive CEO-Only Lunch, the unique lunch only for CEOs organized by Maxim Behar and M3 Communication Group, Inc., for the sixth time in a row brought together ten business leaders who held a constructive discussion on key issues concerning the development of Bulgaria.
The exclusive lunches are held every month at the Hilton Sofia Hotel.For only half a year, the event has established itself as a unique Bulgarian networking platform that provides an opportunity for exchanging contacts and conducting discussions at a high business level, between representatives of Bulgarian and international companies operating in the country.
The sixth Exclusive CEO-Only Lunch was attended by: Alisa Dineva – bERS Logistics, Iglika Yordanova – Colliers, Iliya Karanikolov – Bulgarian Development Bank, Irena Komitova – Advanced Management Consulting Ltd., Milena Dragijska – Lidl Bulgaria, Miroslav Petrov – Lead Vision LTD, Philip Welsh – Vistra, Rumyana Borisova – baseini.NET, Tanya Koseva – Boshova – Lion’s Head Investment and Tanya Skrinska – BS Logistics Ltd.
For the first time, the majority of the participants were ladies, while among the topics addressed during the lunch was the problem in the growth of youth unemployment rate, the integration of Gen Z and AI in business, the opportunities for branding Bulgaria abroad, as well as the contribution of the ladies in business relations.
The next Exclusive CEO-Only Lunch will be held on March 20, 2025, seats are limited!
Please, reserve your seat or send your proposals for CEOs who may be interested in participating in one of the upcoming lunches through the event website at www.ceoonlylunch.com.